When it comes to half terms, there’s always the question of what to do or where to go.

Do we stay in the UK or go abroad? Do we go out to places or get creative indoors?

Sometimes the weather can affect our plans, along with finances, so finding something that is a good price and fun at the same time, is the most important thing.

We visited The Horniman Museum, which has so many events, under one roof, so lets check these out!

The Butterfly House

Even if it's cold outside, once you enter The Butterfly House, you'd think you've travelled to another country. Honestly! The air is very warm, because The Butterfly House, needs to mirror a tropical environment for the butterflies, in order for them to be healthy and comfortable.

If you do have any health issues, I'd recommend you don't stay too long. I've got asthma and as soon as I walked through the doors, the humidity hit me, so take it easy and enjoy yourself.

However, it is a really beautiful place for; children, adults and families, to get that time together, to learn about the cycle of life and experience the different types of butterflies flying around (one might even land on you!). The flowers, the plants and the butterflies themselves are an amazing sight and I'm glad, I managed to catch the photo above!

Children under 3, goes free and tickets for children and adults, range from £7 upwards. I think that’s a great offer! If you would like, more information, then visit here.

The Aquarium

Under the sea..under the sea. There's something about the Aquarium, that just makes your heart melt. Even as an adult, seeing all the different types of fishes, corals and habitats, is very exciting and intriguing. Being up close to the display and seeing the fishes interact and hearing the water softly flow, is just like being by the sea/ocean.

The boys (My son and nephew) definitely enjoyed themselves. The colours of the fishes and the different homes, really captured them. They enjoyed learning the names, seeing the different sizes and behaviours of the fishes, whilst laughter and excitement escaped from their mouths!

The Aquarium here; is nice and small, so it doesn't take much time to look around. Tickets for Under 3s are free, children tickets range from £2.50 upwards and adults from £5 upwards, I'd consider that a great deal!

It gets busy, but a great place to visit for sure! If you would like, more information, visit here.

The Animal Walk

Walking through the animal life. Despite a bad foot, we managed to walk through twice! The animal walk doesn’t take a lot of time, but I think it’s just enough considering, the amount of animals were present. We came across two Llamas, just relaxing and eating. I kept saying to my sister to don’t get too close, because they move quick! I think I got her nervous..oops! If you didn’t already know, Llamas are family with Alpacas and we all know what they can do. There was the most biggest rabbit, we had ever seen, we couldn’t believe how fluffy it was and so clean! Finally there were also sheep, having the time of their lives, just running up and down in their little field.

The animal walk; is a peaceful place to go, very educational and there is lots of information on all the animals as you walk through the centre. Most of all, it is free and something for the whole family!

If you are an animal lover, this one is for! If you would like, more information, visit here.


We ended the day, by visiting Horniman Triangle Playground, which is opposite The Horniman Musuem. It is small play area, which has a variety of climbing apparatus, swings and a sandpit too, for those daring children! If you get peckish, they also have a small cafe, (Brown & Green Cafe) where you can purchase cold/hot drinks and cold/hot snacks too. There are benches in the park, which are close by, so you don’t have to worry about standing, whilst you eat and you don’t have to worry about the children, going too far out of sight. What better way to end the day!

If you need somewhere to go for your half term adventures, definitely visit The Hornimans if you’re close by :) xx


