Welcome To My Podcasts

It all begins with an idea.. I never thought, I'd have the confidence, to record myself, not once, but for over a year now. It’s crazy right, when you don't like to hear the playback of your own voice, or is that just me??

Recording podcasts, have always been in my mind, but I never had the faith in myself, that I would be able to attract and engage my listeners. I didn’t have the confidence, that I would be able to create enough content, to keep on going, but sometimes you just have to take that leap and pray for the best outcome and now I've realized that, I must be doing something right and I must not sound as bad as I think I do, because I have people tuning in, right? I have family and friends, giving me positive feedback and the upmost encouragement and now here I am, sharing my platform with you all.

Sharing my platform, because; I aspire to inspire, because inspiration, is what makes the world a beautiful place.

So, I say, when you’re born with a gift and with a purpose (whether you have found it yet or not) do not let the world, dim your light. Do not become accustomed to who the world wants you to be, but be free and bold enough, to stand out and show the world, that it’s okay to be different, it's okay to be unique and most of all, the power of being successful, is by being true to who you are…

So buckle up, as I take you on the journey, exploring the highs, the lows and the in-betweens of life, through spoken word and more…

Having the ability to break down and rise, is strength, it takes strength..In this prayer, I ask to be strengthened, in every area of my life, because, once that strength attacks, it illuminates the darkest spots, it casts a shadow of purpose and determination and it allows time, to create a portal of meaning, it creates space for shedding off old layers, so I can become renewed and transformed.

Strength is within me, strength is me, strength is you….

Strengthen me, is available to stream on Anchor 🎧

It is also available to stream on Spotify 🎧

I hope you enjoy!

Life as we know it, life can sometimes be a battlefield. We all fight a battle, that's mental, physical, emotional and spiritual. Sometimes we keep these emotions and situations bottled up, sometimes we share with others. Every experience is a lesson, it can change or mould us, into someone bitter or better.

The war always tries to win, but we will not give up, for there's more to us, there's more to our lives. We will overcome every situation that tries to bring us down, for our purposes shall not be defeated..

Battlefield is available to stream on Anchor 🎧

It is also available to stream on Spotify 🎧 :

I hope you enjoy!

They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but sometimes beauty is not something that is seen.

Beauty, is something stored beneath the garments we wear, locked in our hearts, waiting to be heard and understood. Beauty, is in the way we love, in the way we live, in the way we help one another reach their dreams...

Beauty, is in me and you. Beauty is us, because we are fearfully and wonderfully made...

Beauty is available to stream on Anchor 🎧

It is also available to stream on Spotify 🎧

I hope you enjoy!

Life can be chaotic, but it can also be very peaceful, when we learn to control our emotions, because I've realised that we are more than the emotions we put in, into temporary situations, that cause us to ride this emotional rollercoaster.

Life can be so beautiful when we separate our feelings, from reality. Time is precious, life is precious, so remember that whatever is planted within us, shall not be dimmed by circumstances that can be changed (maybe not in that moment) but it will change. We have to learn, to control our actions and reactions, to the things we are able to control.

So lets roll those temporary emotions away, and ride life, the best we can....

Emotional Rollercoaster is available to stream on Anchor 🎧

It is also available to stream on Spotify 🎧

I hope you enjoy!