When you watch an animation, how does it make you feel?

When I watch an animation, it makes me feel in awe. The graphics just hits my heart differently. The emotions it brings through the storylines, the music and the visuals, is just beautiful. The hard work and planning that goes into bringing everything together, is so amazing!

What makes it more special, is watching these with my family. So here are some of our favourite quotes and songs, from our top five animations:


I’ve seen this, so many times and I'm so gutted, that I didn't go and watch it on the big screens!

“This is our home, we've got every generation. So full of music, a rhythm of its own design. This is my family, a perfect constellation, so many stars and everybody gets to shine”.

Encanto, is such a beautiful and heartfelt animation, that's ideal for the whole family (me and my son definitely enjoys singing the Bruno song!). It reminds us, that each family member is important, are worthy and valuable, to one another. Family is not about having together, it's not about the gifts and talents, but more that every individual is unique and special in their own way, and as long as there is love and hope, that will always be more than enough.


“Remember me, though I have to say goodbye. Remember me, don't let it make you cry. For even if I'm far away I hold you in my heart, I sing a secret song to you each night we are apart”.

Miguel, is such a sweet boy! He is the meaning of perseverance. Tackling so many challenges, to pursue his passion for music, despite his family saying no.. Whilst on his journey he finds out more about his family's history, which brings back memories and strength to his Nana Coco. That part was so emotional, because it made me think about family who I have lost a long the way (especially my grandparents). It reminds me to cherish every moment with my love ones, to never give up on my passions and to live life, filled with harmony and balance.


“We’ve all got a messy, loud, weird part of ourselves hidden away. And a lot of us never let it out”.

Mei Mei, is our girl! This feisty, intelligent and witty young girl, carries so much wisdom. She respects and honors her parents, whilst facing the adolescent phase and it's insightful to see the emotions that teenagers go through, whilst trying to balance life. This quote is very inspiring, because it shows us that even though we know who we are as individuals, the social scrutiny, keeps us confined in a box. But as Mei constantly shows us, we should never be ashamed to be different. We shouldn't be afraid to show the world who we are, because there will be a time, where will need to unleash the beauty of our purposes, passions and potentials..


“We touched and we changed each others chemistry”.

I first watched this in the cinema with my sister, son and nephew and to see the graphics on the big screen, was just like wow! Everything about this animation was perfect.

The water that is brought to our eyes and the fire that causes a spark in our hearts, shows us the power of love and acceptance, when opposite attracts.

As we travel through Elemental City, it's wonderful to see how diversity, is reflected through this heart warming storyline. It reminds us, that love can be free, it can be fiery and it can be risky but when it's built on the foundation of friendship, then those hurdles will be easier to overcome.

The Mitchells vs. the Machines

“We all want to be the perfect family, but who’s perfect, right?”

This family friendly animation, will leave you with belly laughs and a grateful heart. It shows us the highs and lows of what being an imperfect family means, but it also reflects on the importance of sticking together, when those tough challenges arise.

It reminds us, that even with a quirky family, love can pull us through. Perfection is underrated, but being true to who we are; as individuals and collectively, is what matters the most.

Family can be hard work, but at the end of the day, that relationship should be cherished, because not everyone gets a chance, to have that opportunity.

There you are, our top five animations!

Animation isn't the illusion of life; it is life - Chuck Jones

If you haven't watched any of the above, I would definitely recommend a family movie night and I would love to hear what your favourite animation is!

Lets connect in the comments below xx


