Heavenly Father, as I come before you today. I thank you for the person reading this right now. I pray that you be the lamp to their feet, that they never knew they needed. May your light guide them, in the way they ought to go, according to their callings you have blessed them with, in the mighty name of Jesus, I pray. Amen!

Welcome back Brothers and Sisters, to The Heartfelt Studies. I hope you're doing well. Here's to a new week and a new chapter, so lets jump into Genesis Chapter 6.


Genesis Chapter 6, verses 1- 2:

I briefly touched on this in the last chapter, but again humanity is expanding, with men multiplying the Earth and where daughters are being born unto them. We read that the Sons of God, sees the Daughters of Men as fair (good and beautiful) and takes them as wives.

What has caught my eye here, are the two different phrases; Sons of God and Daughters of Men, which after a lot of studying, I believe that Sons of God are referring to Angels. However these weren’t good Angels, they were possibly fallen Angels who followed Satan and disguised themselves, by transforming into the human body, to take these daughters as wives. The Daughters of Men refer to the women on the Earth, who are children of Adam and Eve.

Here, reminds how the enemy can come in different shapes and forms. Some we’re unaware of and some God, will use to enhance our wisdom and understanding on life’s challenges.

Genesis Chapter 6, verses 3- 4:

God declares that his Spirit will not always give life to humans and he places an Earthly life time-span of a hundred and twenty years, which when we think about it now, it is such a a long time and a privilege for us to live to that age, but to those back then, this would have been a punishment, because there were people mentioned in Chapter 5, where we seen that they’ve lived past it (Adam, Seth, Enoch etc).

The Nephilites (known as a group of mysterious beings/ giants or people) lived on the Earth and during that time, the Sons of God were having relations with the Daughters of Men, in which the Daughters of Men gave birth to their children. The Nephilites were strong and large and were known to be great fighters and from what we read, famous for their power on the Earth.

Here reminds us that, there are many things and people we idolize, but God should be the only one we idolize, for all good things come from him.

Genesis Chapter 6, verses 5- 7:

As we've seen from the first few chapters of Genesis, sin entered the Earth through Eve and Adam. Violence occured through their Son Cain and hundreds years later, again we're seeing how the Earth has changed quite quickly.

It is really sad, because we are seeing that God's heart is breaking, due to the arising wickedness in men and women. He is seeing that their thoughts are of only evil, which causes God to think about his decision regarding creating humans. He is constantly reminding us that if our hearts and our thoughts are not of him, are not of the things he desires and of the things he wants for us, then we are putting ourselves into situations that tests us and potentially causing us to sin. It causes our faith to waver and us to become Godless.


Genesis Chapter 6, verses 8- 10:

God is finally happy to have someone who is in the likeliness of him and in his eyes, his favor shines upon Noah.

Noah is good man, who obeyed God, is the only person at the time to live righteously and according to the way God always wanted. Throughout his life on Earth, he stayed very close to God, when everyone else were being disobedient. Noah is blessed and becomes a Father, to Shem, Ham and Japheth.

What's beautiful here, is God's Grace. Grace by God is something that we don't always deserve, but he finds it in his heart to give it to us; by loving us, forgiving us, protecting us and supplying the things we need, that we don’t always know we need. Throughout humanity on Earth, there has been so much destruction, but God shows us, how faithful he is, especially to those, who are faithful to him and we will see more of this, through Noah’s story.

Genesis Chapter 6, verses 11- 14:

We are reminded again of how the Earth is turning into a place that is not appeasing to God, for God is seeing it as ruined. All he can see is people doing bad things to one another, turning against everything that he stands for (spiritually and morally), which is peace, faithfulness and goodness.

Here, we see the Grace that Noah receives from God, for God tells Noah about his plans, to destroy the people and the things of the Earth. Imagine being Noah and being in this situation, it must have been difficult for him to know what was going to happen next. You may think, how can God do something like that? But the thing is; sometimes we have to go through trials, we have to lose things, we thought was meant for us, who we thought was good for us, in order to recognize there is so much more to life and to God’s plans for each of us.

Therefore, God orders Noah to make an Ark to keep himself, his family and the animals, safe from what is to come next. God gives Noah precise instructions of what the Ark must have; rooms in it (stalls, pens, coops, nests, cages and compartments), and that Noah must cover the inside and outside with tar and Noah must use wood from Gopher Wood to make it. God doesn't state the reasons as to why Noah should use that material, but we know that sometimes God directs us, in the way he knows best, even when we don't understand it.

Genesis Chapter 6, verses 15- 17:

God goes in-depth here, instructing Noah of how he should build the Ark. The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, its width fifty cubits, and its height thirty cubits. It continues to mention that there should be windows for light and ventilation. This should be three storeys high (lower, second and third deck).

God has already told Noah that he is going to wipe out humanity. Therefore, the construction of the Ark, is to preserve Noah from the flood, in which we now know, is the cause of God’s plans.

This must have been so overwhelming for Noah, but his faith carried him through. His obedience to God, set him apart from the world. It set him apart from the things that caused sinfulness, violence and destruction. His love for God, set him free and kept him safe.

Genesis Chapter 6, verses 18- 20:

Here, God makes his covenant (a promise) to Noah. The covenant is that Noah shall take with him, his three sons, his wife, his son’s wives and the animals found of the land (also fowls and birds) onto the Ark, where they will be kept safe. God instructs Noah that the animals should come in twos, male and female and of every kind.

God requesting that the animals are male and female, shows us, that life on Earth will continue to multiply. This phase on going into the Ark and causing the flood, is like a reset button; because we can see God is not completely wiping humanity altogether, but again providing his help to preserve life and to restore and heal what has been broken.

God declaring a solemn promise to Noah is really powerful. Noah has a big task ahead of him, for he is to command the animals but not only that, he has to keep that relationship with his family on solid grounds, they also need to trust in Noah and the calling he has been entrusted with. He has a lot to navigate, but God has brought him so far and will continue to cover him with his Grace. So if he can not trust God, then who can he trust? For the commitment in which God has made, is a start of where humanity shall arise and heal through Noah.

Genesis Chapter 6, verses 21- 22:

God’s last instruction to Noah, is for him to take food of every kind, for himself, his family and for the animals and Noah obeyed God, he gathered what was edible and did everything that God told him to do. What’s so beautiful here, is the trust and faith that Noah has in God. He listened and he directed his family and the animals, with all his heart, by storing food that would last them on their journey (for the time-frame of how long the flood would last, was not mentioned) and with the continuous strength and covenant of God, Noah made a way, according to God’s way.


I can’t believe, we have come to the end of Chapter 6!

If you have anything to share with me, then let me know in the comments.

Catch you back here soon Xx


