Genesis Chapter 5

Heavenly Father, I pray for my brothers and sisters reading this right now. I pray that whatever life throws at them, that their names are never misused. I pray that their identities will be of royalty, because by your side, they sit on Heavenly thrones. I pray that you lift them up and keep them in their rightful places. Whenever they feel alone, may they always remember that with you, they will always have a family, in Jesus name I pray. Amen!

Welcome back Brothers and Sisters, to The Heartfelt Studies. I hope you're doing well. Here's to a new week and a new chapter, so lets jump into Genesis Chapter 5.


Genesis Chapter 5, verses 1- 5:

As we go into the book of Genesis further, we start to see the descendants of Adam unfolding and the years in which each important, spent their time on Earth.

Revisiting the beginning, we know that man was created in the likeness of God (resembling God morally and spiritually) and the first man was called Adam.

Adam was a hundred and thirty years old, when his son Seth was born (isn't that amazing?!) and after Seth, Adam lived another eight hundred years when his sons and daughters were born. As we can see, apart from Eve, the generation of females are being born and mentioned in the Bible.

Before he passed away, Adam lived for nine hundred and thirty years.


Genesis Chapter 5, verses 6- 8:

Seth was a hundred and five years old, when his son Enos was born, and after Seth, he lived for another eight hundred and seven years, when his sons and daughters were born.

Before he passed away, Seth lived for nine hundred and twelve years.


Genesis Chapter 5, verses 9- 12:

The cycle continues, Enos was ninety years old, when his son Cainan was born and after Cainan, he lived for another eight hundred and fifteen years, when his sons and daughters were born.

Before he passed away, Enos lived for nine hundred and five years.


Genesis Chapter 5, verses 13- 14:

Cainan was seventy years old, when his son Mahalaleel was born and after Mahalaleel, he lived for another eight hundred and forty years, when his sons and daughters were born.

Before he passed away, Cainan lived for nine hundred and ten years.


Genesis Chapter 5, verses 15-17:

Mahalaleel was six hundred and five years old, when his son Jared is born and after Jared, he lived for another eight hundred and thirty years, when his sons and daughters were born.

Before he passed away, Mahalaleel lived for nine hundred and fifty five years.


Genesis Chapter 5, verses 18- 20:

Jared was a hundred and sixty two years old, when his son Enoch was born and after Enoch, he lived for another eight hundred years, when his sons and daughters were born.

Before he passed away, Jared lived for nine hundred and sixty two years.


Genesis Chapter 5, verses 21- 24:

Enoch was sixty five years old, when his son Methuselah was born and after Methuselah, he lived for another three hundred years, when his sons and daughters were born.

What's different here, is that Enoch is mentioned to walk with God, by fellowshipping and being obedient to God. He definitely lived up to his name (Enoch means dedicated) he dedicated his time on Earth, to walk a life in the likeness of God.

Enoch lived for three hundred and sixty five years, before God took him home.


Genesis Chapter 5, verses 25- 27:

Methuselah was a hundred and eighty seven years old, when his son Lamech was born and after Lamech, he lived for another seven hundred and eighty two years, when his sons and daughters were born.

Before he passed away, Methuselah lived for nine hundred and sixty nine years.


Genesis Chapter 5, verses 28- 31:

Lamech was a hundred and eighty two years old, when his son was born and named him Noah (which means rest in Hebrew). Lamech speaks a prophecy, that Noah will relief the people of their pain, from the grounds that God cursed due to Cain's disobedience. It is not clear on which way this was to be, so lets make sure we continue our studies to find out.

After Noah, Lamech lived for another five hundred and ninety five years, when his sons and daughters were born.

Before he passed away, Lamech lived for seven hundred and seventy seven years.


Genesis Chapter 5, verse 32:

Noah was five hundred years old when his children Noah Shem, Ham, and Japheth we're born and I look forward to Chapter 6, where we'll find out more about the geneology of Noah.


Reading Genesis Chapter 5, has shown me, that we all have our ups and downs, but we all know how important family is. There are family we were born into and there are friends, who have become family. Family is a beautiful gift and to leave a legacy behind, is one of the most treasured memories and form of love, we can give to another person.

We also have to be mindful of one another and how we treat another, because time is precious and our actions can cause generational curses, which can affect the lives we lead.

Now we have come to the end of Chapter 5. If there's something that stood out to you, please let me know in the comments below.

Catch you back here soon Xx


Genesis Chapter 6


Genesis Chapter 4