Heavenly Father, I pray that you uplift the person reading this right now. We know that life takes it course and there are experiences that may intervene in where they are supposed to go. However, through everything that they go through, may you show them that no one is perfect, but through your grace, you are giving them the opportunity and the anointing to start over again. May you continue to surround them and elevate them in their purposes. Heavenly Father, may my brothers and sisters reading this, continue to move forward in their lives, according to the will and way you have for them. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen!

I hope you receive that prayer and you realise that no matter happened in the past, you deserve to move forward with your life and we will go into this further, as we will be looking at Philippians Chapter 3, verses 12‭-‬14 reads; ‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

How often do you look back at your past and how often does the past, cause a hindrance? I know in my last study, we were talking about how compassion and forgiveness are the umbrella of Mercy, which also is way of moving forward; but in this study, we are going to reflect on the word of God and the way of Jesus, in regards to how their will and way, will help us, to keep pressing on. Before I continue, ask yourself; How, do I keep pressing on?

Reflection is one of the simplest forms, which enables us to keep moving forward, from everything that causes an obstacle in our purpose. When we take less time to focus on what is happening around us and we concentrate on the word of God and the life that Jesus is making for us, surely that will change our mind-set? Because, the Bible says ' I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me’ So, as we reflect on the scripture above, what does it mean exactly?

Even though we are not perfect individuals (because there is always room for improvement and growth) we keep moving right.. We all have the capability to become the best versions of ourselves, which is already predestined, so how can we not? We all have the ability to thrive, but when do not reach that destination immediately; we become discouraged, we lose focus and we start to fall back into old habits. However, Jesus reminds us, that he has covered us and will always cover us in his greatness, in his perfect love, in his grace, mercy and in his life. Those are the blanket of Jesus, which will uplift us, provide for us and sustain us, whenever we put our trust and faith in him.

You know, sometimes we try to do everything alone and that is when we become overwhelmed, trust me I know! HOWEVER, God tells us daily, that he will never leave nor forsake us and he continues to show us that his promise never fails, for he sent his one and only Son to take away everything that the enemy is trying to put on us. The enemy will always be there to distract us from God’s unconditional love and God’s assignment for us, but when we put ourselves in the word and we allow the word to abide in us, we are tying ourselves to the spirit of the Lord. When we listen to the word and we apply it to our lives DAILY; we are letting go of the things, the people and the emotions, that stripped us of our righteousness and we can use that release, that restoration and renovation, to push us forward in victory.

We are children of God and we are family through Christ, so when we reflect on the word and when we encourage another, we are pressing on together. The word never fails; there is always a scripture there, to help us in our times of need. The word is a path, full of wisdom and knowledge and it is a light, which will never go out.

Next time, you find yourself falling back or stumbling; just reflect on these points;

• Can I press on by myself?

• Whose strength is it that keeps me going?

You are never alone; for through Christ, you have more than you will ever know….

I hope you have enjoyed today’s heartfelt study! Let me know what you think in the comments below. Also like, share and subscribe for more updates! xx


