Heavenly Father, I pray that you uplift my brother and sisters who are reading this right now. May you surround them with your gracious presence and remind them that with every challenge that comes their way, you are able to spare the darkness, that tries to consume them and you can provide them the light they require to see through it. May you have mercy on their lives, their situation and circumstances, in the mighty name of Jesus I pray. Amen!

Before we begin our next heartfelt studies, lets just take a moment to appreciate the creator of this world and thank him for all that he has done for us, all that he is doing and yet to do for us. His promises never fails. Hallelujah!

Now we can dive right in, with Luke Chapter 6, verse 36, which reads;

Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful.

First, what is mercy? According to Google, Mercy means; compassion or forgiveness shown towards someone whom it is within one's power to punish or harm.

Wow, that is such a powerful statement! Showing compassion or forgiveness, to someone who has harmed us and/or to someone is currently causing us harm. Whether that is physically, emotionally, mentally, verbally and spiritually, why should be show this time of understanding? It is not easy and it takes time to do so, but that process that leads to our freedom. It is not about being the ‘bigger person’ because there are experiences and situations that we may go through or have gone through, which are still haunting us to this day. There will be experiences yet to come which we may not be able to control, but what we can control, is the power of forgiveness..

When we reflect on the circumstances that have arose in our lives, we often think;

What did I do, to deserve this? What could I have done to prevent this? How could they do this to me?

We have the right to think and feel that way, because we are all unique human beings with emotions and feelings. Our temples are full with a spirit that also carries the spirit of those we meet. The spirit which holds itself within each of us, contains; different experiences, different thoughts and actions. So when we are entwined with another being, there is a constant battle emotionally and mentally, because the spiritual realm is also going through the motion of fear, doubt, shame and uncertainty, which can cause us to go down a road that is not designed for us and which tries us shape us into someone God doesn’t want us to be.

However; when we take time to put our time into God’s words and God’s thoughts, then our thoughts will start to change.

I will not let what happened/happening define me. I am worthy, valued and important. I cannot control the thoughts and actions of others, but I can control how I move on..

Our perspective and our outlook will start to break down and transform, because God is our strength and our refuge. He is the fortress that will never allow us to go through things alone, but when we go through them, he will show us that we are stronger than we thought, because we are actually growing through it all. We start to analyse situations in a different way, and maybe start to think of the other person and what were they going through, to take it out on me? What happened in their lifetime, to make them this way?

Therefore, when WE forgive, we are releasing all that pain and burden, which has held us back from that hobby, that career or that passion. When we take the control over ourselves, we come to recognise that we no longer deserve to be in a place of darkness, for Jesus is the light that we need to receive the salvation of God’s amazing work.

When we forgive those of their sins against us, it moulds us into a life that God knows we can have, because, when God grants us mercy and grace every day and when he blesses us with such beautiful mercy, we can also GIVE mercy and from that mercy. Life is never easy, but through that mercy, renovation occurs in all areas of our lives. Every stone and water that passes us, rebuilds what we had lost and that allows us to walk under the wills and ways of God and no longer by man.

We become new. New; because we are allowing the body of Christ and the anointing of God, to take lead in our lives, filling us with wisdom, worth, value and knowledge and new; because the spirit within us, is changing into love, joy, peace and gentleness and longer of pain and suffering. Our Souls are like a phoenix, because it's getting rid of who we were and it's transforming is, into a new person through Christ. Don’t you think that is amazing? It just amazes me every day, how the power of Christ, can take us from feeling like nobody to somebody!

Therefore, whenever you feel like you are not worthy or important and whenever you find yourself falling back onto the road of despair and brokenness, remember that, God is closer to you than you realise. He will always be there to mend and heal you whenever you need him. Do not let the ways of the world; pull you away from the heart of God. Do not let the past; rob you of your future.

Your heart, is what God sees. Forgive for yourself..

I hope you have enjoyed today’s heartfelt study!

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