1st Corinthians chapter 13, verse 13 reads: And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

Faith, is having the spirit, to believe in something or someone, without fear and doubt.

Hope, is the ability to see the light and positives, despite the darkness, that tries to consume us.

Love, is the ability to feel something unexplainable and untouchable and having the opportunity, to spread love, even through the tough of times.

The greatest thing of all, is that God, has given us all, a spirit of these qualities, so that through life, we can use these to get by.

We all go through trials; where we're tested, where we've fallen and don't know if we can get back up, or if we can get through our situations, but when we have the faith that our circumstances can change, when we hope and declare a breakthrough and when we Iove what we have, instead of what we desire, we'll see that everything wil fall into place.

In our finances, in our careers, in our relationships, health and friendships, but we have to believe for ourselves and in ourselves, for that change to happen.

So whenever we feel lost or weary, whenever we feel fearful or alone. Remember, we are masterpiece, armoured in strength and determination. We may be a diamond in the rough, but the rough, is not our destiny. We were born with the armour of strength, so we can stand firm, against the midst of our storms, because the storms are where our blessings arise from.

We were born, to love and to thrive, because he knows, we can break any limitations given to us. For our power, is being uniquely ourselves. We are important, we are worthy and we are extraordinary.

So I pray that you keep the faith and you let God guide you, in the way you ought to go. You stay hopeful, no matter the journey you are on right now, and may you keep loving yourself and those around you, for through the strength of unity, through the strength of faith, you will keep rising, because you deserve to.

Once you realise what you deserve and you acknowledge your value and you recognise your worth, the areas of your life, that you needed to be order, will fall into place. Because sometimes we do not realise, how much fulfilment, comes from changing the way we look at ourselves and how we perceive the things in and around our lives and once we do, that passion to focus on what matters, becomes stronger and the focus on our passion becomes indescribable and that leads to contentment and being fulfilled in the areas we knew that could cause elevation and progression.

So as you think about your dreams, are you going to keep the faith and focus, so you can be fulfilled?


