Heavenly Father, I pray for my brothers and sisters reading this right now. I pray that whatever they are going through, that you provide clarification on any confusion they may have. May you grant them peace and serenity as they try to figure this out, with your love and guidance, in Jesus name I pray. Amen!

Welcome back brothers and sisters, I am always blessed by our Sunday Service and it's such an extra blessing when we have guest speakers from all over the world. There was this specific phrase that stuck out to me from our visiting Bishop;

“Take things for gratitude and not for granted”

Say that with me " Take things for gratitude and not for granted" Isn't that powerful?

Because how often do we take people, things and situations for granted? It could be the little things, as asking for something persistently when we know someone is so kindhearted and unable to say no.

Or buying things that we do not necessarily need, and just because we can, we do.

Sometimes we may not be aware that we are doing it, but when we do acknowledge that state of being, shouldn't we be doing our best to change that? It is easy to slip into that mind-set when things are not going our way, when emotions take over or when we feel we can take on situations by ourselves. However, Jesus reminds us in Romans Chapter 8, verse 28, reads;

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

When we surround ourselves with those who can lift us up in faith, then we'll find that everything that was and is, no longer wants to be. Sometimes we just need that one person, to bring us a sound word of wisdom and God will allow that person to cross our paths. They may cross it for a season but for a reason for sure.

So when we learn to take things for gratitude; that allows our focus and a shifting in our hearts to take place. Life takes its course and sometimes we can get lost in the process, but if we learn to appreciate the journey that we're on, then everything around us, is seen in another perspective. We become transformed, because we realise that we can make do with what we have, whilst working towards the things we need and when we believe that God, will provide the other things we desire, we become grateful for his timing to fulfil his promises, he has set for our lives.

Life, can become a competition; because we're constantly comparing where we are, with other people. However, when we stop to actually assess certain situations; we will understand that sometimes what looks greener on the other side, is due to how the greenhouse wants to be perceived. We have to focus on our greenhouses; watering and nurturing our hearts, minds and souls, with the spirit of joy, of appreciation, kindness and happiness.

Therefore, we must not take where we are, who we are and who God is, for granted.

Take a little moment out now and think about the things or people you may have taken for granted and take those to God and ask him, to make your way forward clear and ask him to make those relationships that he knows you require stronger in every possible way.

Remember, take things for gratitude and not for granted.


