Children are such precious gems and we don’t realize how quick they change in their personalities and characters and how they grow up so fast and all of a sudden, they are just mature little adults! However, it doesn’t matter how independent they may seem (just like adults, we all need to be shown love and appreciation).

Here are some sentiments that I say to my little Prince and the reasons why. I’m sure you already use these, but lets keep on reminding our treasures of how much they mean to us. It’s key that they; know, see, hear and feel their importance to us and not just us, but that they have a special part to play in this big and forever changing world.

I love you (always and forever)

This is a phrase that I often say to my little one. There’s a little hand gesture that we do (we put our hands together like a high five and the lock our fingers together) and doing so reminds him, that my love for him will just keep on growing and that my love will continue to surround him, even when I’m absent.

When I ask him, how does it make him feel, he says that it makes him happy and that touches me, because words go along way, but also actions. As much as children may get embarrassed, always let them know you love them!


Before I say this, I get down on knees so I'm eye level with my son. I take his hands and I get him to look at me in the eyes and then I tell him, that I am proud of him.

Proud of him for trying, proud of him getting through scary moments, proud of him for being there for his friend and most of all, proud of him, for being who he is.

Being able to show kindness, support and compassion to our child/dren, is such a beautiful thing to do. When he knows I are proud of him, it allows him to understand that through the ups and downs, there are trials that come, but as long as he is trying, that is what's important.


Don’t we all get excited, when we see a sticker come home, on our child's jumper? Yes, I do, you should see the grin that appears on my face!

When I hear how my son has gone from; being shy and being reserved, to being; courageous, a protector of his friends and engaging more in class, I have to praise him. Saying well done, is a way for him to know, that I recognize his hardwork and progress and it's also a good way, for him to feel motivated and positive about the things he has achieved and capable of achieving.

Don’t worry, it’s okay TO CRY

Sometimes, it’s hard for children to display their emotions, but when they do, we need to console them and nurture them and allow them to be vulnerable, in a safe environment. It doesn’t matter what gender they are, children need to express their emotions, because it’s normal and healthy.

When I asked my son, how does it make him feel, when I say this, he responded “ it makes me happy, because my happy tears come out, because you always love me” That truly melts my heart, because I all I want, is for him to be able to express his emotions and knows he can come to me for consolation, without being afraid or feeling like he shouldn’t do so. Emotions are a healthy and part of life and what we can do as parents, is provide that patience and support.


I say to my son “Have a good day and a (and he finishes with) “and a great time”.

This is something, I always say after dropping him off to school in the morning. This affirmation helps him to start his day, with a positive mindset. To embrace the day to come with happy thoughts but also to enjoy his learning experience. Learn and have fun, learn and be happy, learn and be blessed.

There you go, some beautiful and personal sentiments, that we should continue to use for our children.

There are definitely loads more, so if you have a favourite sentiment that you share with your child/ren, please let me know in the comments below xx


